Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Road to Peace in the Holy Land

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The Holy Land is a land bringing together the most valuable prophets and messengers from our Lord in its history. People of faith have lived on these territories praising God with wisdom, reason and affection. They have travelled through the valleys, the gardens and over the olive mountains with love in their hearts, bearing in mind that they have been blessed to walk on this land of faith.
As Muslims, we have profound love for all the prophets who have passed by, and believe in what has been revealed to them. We are following the excellent example in Abraham’s whose descendants were prophets as well, such as the Prophets Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Zacharia, John, Jesus and. Muslims, Jews and Christians have this deeply-rooted connection through the lineage of the prophets who have dedicated their lives to inviting their people to righteousness and the believers who have lived through history on this cradle of faith have followed the true message from their Lord with perseverance in good morals of mercy, self-giving, forgiveness, perseverance and at peace.
Despite all the foundations of this deep-rooted and worthy morality in the Holy Land, the scenes that we witness on these territories today is heart breaking. These people of faith, who had lived there together for centuries, have diverted from the path of friendship and solidarity, and fallen into the fire of enmity, conflict and bloodshed with their own hands. Not one day passes without news of an assault, anguish or pain. Children are not free and secure on the playgrounds. Believers cannot visit their mosques, synagogues or churches in tranquility being in constant fear of a possible confrontation on the way.
This is not how life should be on the Holy Land. This inclination towards terror, violence and horror only brings further destruction to the people living in those territories. In the last century, the casualties are sufficient evidence to the detriment of peoples from all faiths: About 125,000 killed and 120,000 wounded from riots, wars and operations. Hospitals are full of patients, mostly civilian children, women and elderly, who have been injured in conflict and with amputated body parts. Because of checkpoints and roadblocks daily endeavors like shopping, going to work, visiting places of worship, and even just walking on the streets is not permissible. Homes and hospitals, schools and factories are in ruins.
War has devastated the infrastructure, economy and welfare for all, which as a result introduced further ruination to people’s lives. For some, having electricity 24 hours every day is like a dream; there is also no heating all the time. Power lines are damaged; agricultural lands are physically impacted due to rockets and mortars. In addition to crops, the cattle, chicken and livestock are injured due to the number of incidents. The residences and schools lack basic needs like running water or a properly connected sewage systems. Driers, washing machines even wearing clean clothes daily seem to be a luxury for most. Public healthcare is impaired, clinics are not sufficiently provided with professional health personnel, tools or medication. What is more, just as with any other physical barrier, the division of cities through walls only reminds residents of the ongoing hostility and separation, but is never a solution to the ongoing conflict. It further breaks apart the people, prevents their intermingling and friendship, and discriminates based on faith and identity, while keeping fear in perpetuation.
The most drastic consequence of this is that the people of the Holy Land, who are granted the beauty to live on this blessed land, have distanced from the true message in their Books. In the Torah we learn,
You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. (Exodus 20, 13-17) In the Gospel we learn, “… You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22, 37-39)
As we can all see, the righteous path to all residents of this land, be they Jews, Muslims or Christians, is love for your neighbor and this commandment is binding upon all of us. Love for one’s neighbor means good relations, cordiality, gentle and kind conduct, acting with love and compassion, speaking good words, winning the hearts through competing in doing good in all kinds of acts of courtesy and self-giving with a profound affection, friendship and guardianship. God gives this example to all believers, to every one of us, as true guidance to bring an end to the burden of hatred and hostility. Without love, life is not possible. All the negativities come out of the darkness of lovelessness that darkens even the subtlest details of one’s life.
And the Qur’an teaches us the way out of this conundrum.
“A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend. None will obtain it but those who are truly steadfast. None will obtain it but those who have great good fortune.” (Surah Fussilat, 34-35)
When the people living in the Holy Land turn towards to the guidance that their prophets have shown them, they will be granted the awaited salvation that they are seeking. Yet this is not through the so-called processes, delays, or not very sincere steps that only make them lose more time. Salvation lies only in faith. The best efforts are always with sincerity, total devotion and a determined will to uphold the tenets of righteousness.


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